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This Blog exists to unofficially support the British National Party in their fight to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands. Material published here are the personal views and opinions of the New West Wales Patriot Writers and should not be taken as official BNP policy. This is an INDEPENDENT site. It is NOT an official BNP site, neither is it controlled in any way by the BNP. Copyright: Some of the articles and images on this site may have been derived or collected from various sources and are published without prejudice. If this is the case there will always be a link to the site.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

The Great Sheep Rustling Scandal.

In recent years there has been a tenfold increase in sheep rustling in our rural communities. It is not just the odd sheep that is going missing, they are vanishing in their hundreds of thousands, and more often than not in whole flocks. This indicates not only a massive amount of forward planning and expertise, but also the facility to butcher and distribute the end product. The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has failed to trace any of the animals so it is obvious that they are not being butchered in registered abattoirs. There has always been a fair amount of rustling in Britain and that has generally been done by travellers, and casual thieves, but this would only amount to one or two animals at a time, and would often go unreported. The massive influx of eastern Europeans who might be dishonest could account for some of the animals, but generally pork is more common in their diet.
As a rule we only consume lamb, which is described as a sheep less than one year old and has not yet been weaned. This is established by looking at the teeth. For signs of chewing.
There is however one glaringly obvious market for these animals, and we all know what that is.
We cannot buy mutton easily, as it is not popular, but it is the staple meat diet along with goats for millions of people who live in Britain. They all buy their meat from small back street butchers who are hardly regulated, even if they are on the radar of the health authorities.
So why do the Police and D of E not do anything about all this? Well, we all know the answer to that one too.

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