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Why I am Angry With Neath/Port Talbot Council
Author (OldTrueBrit)

The major qualification for top positions in the Neath Port Talbot Council must be deviously with the truth and to only enact policies of benefit to the Labour Party, or their own salaries.

Its Labour party first, with people and community needs last.   Yes there are always glorious photos and articles in the Community News spread sheets depicting the Councils success.
But how are we to know of many inglorious failures, or officials wages and expenses hikes.

Me Oh! I have waited 5 years for disabled slopes to my property entrances and these have now been done at my expense (Card debts)  --As was the purchasing and plumbing of  Lever water taps - these were granted as a must have disabled need and applied for.
Furthermore, I live within a 30 MPH limit and speed vehicles of all types have nearly hit me when I have crossed the road from my house to get to the only footpath opposite my house.
For over three years I have written requesting the police and the council enforce this speed limit all to no avail- a year ago a cyclist was run down and killed nearby yet nothings been done.
I have a Mobility Scooter that gives me mobility I have lost, but can not traverse the fabulous newly restored Neath Canal towpaths because some dimwit installed unsuitable access kissing gates.
Eventually found the Neath Council man responsible its a Mr. C P and have tried contacting, but he forgets to reply!  Bet he remembers to get salary!   
Mr J G is a Neath Council official also with footpath responsibilities, and likewise he forgets to communicate, when he is not busy, or being ill that is.

So just how do you find the truth or get things done via Neath Port Talbot Council officials unless you are probably high up in the Labour Party or other connections- NO CHANCE!
Can I take early retirement when things get tough, or claim ill heath then get a fat pension?

Regards, Old True Brit

(Note from Ed.)  Nice old grumpy git. More like this please.