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This Blog exists to unofficially support the British National Party in their fight to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands. Material published here are the personal views and opinions of the New West Wales Patriot Writers and should not be taken as official BNP policy. This is an INDEPENDENT site. It is NOT an official BNP site, neither is it controlled in any way by the BNP. Copyright: Some of the articles and images on this site may have been derived or collected from various sources and are published without prejudice. If this is the case there will always be a link to the site.

BC1959's Page

Nationalism Or Die... A Message To Britain's Businesses And Professions

Experience means a lot, but so does common sense and the will to act upon the current situation. Professional people, whether in the private sector, or in the public sector, will not only struggle to continue in their respective institutions or industries, they will find all avenues of redress to problems and financial worries, completely blocked. The nation's deficit, and the ongoing debt and interest that now engulfs every man, woman, child, and business etc, was caused by sheer greed, and the complicit treachery by all post war politicians. Big business and its subtle, wholesale insider trading practices, has ensured that soon, no more than ten massive corporations will own every part of our productivity, intellectual ideas, and means of earning a living.

If you cannot get past the first paragraph without smirking, thinking this is all rather silly, and reminds you of conspiracy theories, then go about your business, leave this site, and carry on voting for the Conservatives, Labour, or the Lib/Dems. If you are to a degree, slightly aware that something is amiss, and your own experiences are making you fidgety and concerned, with maybe others in your circle uttering similar things, then read on. With free trade and capitalism, you have a supposedly the best rises to the top system, with the rest somewhere between, workers grateful for a living, the self-employed and small businesses earning money within the free market economy. WithSocialism and Communism, there is a so-called equality for all, and this is meant to bring parity to those who are not able to do either of the above. Both systems are flawed, but with a relatively free market economy, and income earned by the sweat of you own brow, the capitalist system worked slightly better for a while, mainly due to it being less prone to red tape.

Since the end of the Second World War, both Capitalism, and Socialism, seem to have blended somewhat, with both the working classes, and medium to small businesses, having to compete with foreign imports, both human and manufactured products. Since the end of the 1960's, and particularly with Ted (come on kids, take a trip on my boat) Heath, the country has been bled of it's independence and monetary competence. Ted Heath was as we know, an extremely untrustworthy Prime Minister, and he seems to have been the blue print for all Prime Ministers since. Since the late 1960's, we have had the cod war, butter mountains, milk rivers, loss of dignity as a major player on the world stage, and the absolute destruction of economic progress and stability. But what about the new coalition? Are professionals and smaller businesses, the self-employed, and inventors, going to see a renewed growth in opportunities? No, and the answer lies in the coalition itself, and the engineered reasoning behind it.

It was engineered so as to have the effect of being able to better deal with the coming chaos and economic hardships. Also, it was an ideal get out, because no single party, at least in their eyes, can then take the blame for policies that will lead to poverty and destitution. Those who have had a good deal from this country, whether born here or not, should be prepared to experience something very different in the coming months and years. Your savings will melt into nothing, your pensions will go the same way, and it will be much harder to actually keep what you earn. In just 60 or so years, Britain has dropped to the world's sixth largest economy, from a massive second at the end of the last war. In line with this drop, we are the third for our current account deficit.

And some still consider Britain to be a rich country. Singapore is now the word's fourth largest economy. Now do you understand just what this article is saying? We are bankrupt, debt ridden, and in the next five years, regardless of spin, political rhetoric and dogma, Britain will be extinct as a serious player in ideas, productivity, and meaningful employment. If you professionals and business people think you can squirrel away for a rainy day, all you have made and worked hard for, think again please. Since the 1950's, Britain has lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs... jobs that allowed government to issue the release of cash in the form of genuine, social welfare programmes that helped those indigenous people who really needed it. Also, the impact of loss of production in engineering and exports, has led to increased borrowing, the wholesale fraud of our gold being cheaply pushed into the hands of foreign investors, and mass immigration to fill the skills gap in sectors our debt ridden students could have filled.

All of you professionals, and every business that is still independent, or unrelated to the incestuous globalist elites, must understand Nationalism. You must get to grips with the philosophy of ownership and wealth creation, whereby when you create an environment for business, or a need for a skill or task, under Nationalism, the community you are working in, is completely self-sufficient and looks after all involved, and the opportunity of shares in the business will ensure loyalty, hard work, and pride. Under a Nationalist government, borrowing would only be a short term requirement, and once free of the chains of internationalist debt, localised borrowing in the form of an ideas and innovations bank, which as the last article by this author suggests, would come via THE BANK OF ANCIENT EUROPEAN PEOPLE or similar institution. Both professionals and businesses, would never wait months for money owed to them either. Nationalist philosophy engages with it's people, whatever level of society they inhabit. A British National Party government would have by then, realised that sanctions would be put in place, to destroy any hopes of independence, and would have already instigated a system within a system to combat such a move.

Overseas aid, much of it going to countries already technically advanced enough to have Nuclear engineering and weaponry, would halt. The British system of guilds, would also be re-employed, and thus, any student, school leaver, or mature student, would have the tools to help you in the professions, and private and public sectors. There would be no such thing under British Nationalism, of foreign students taking up places in Universities, nor would any foreign worker, be allowed to have a house, job, and benefits provided for them, full stop. The £160 billion plus stealth tax, currently lost to immigration, and the ever ugly and desperate European Union, would provide enough of a stimulus to offset the current, and any future debt mountain. Imagine what Britain and the British could achieve with this saving alone? Full employment where possible, and once taxes have been gathered due to the infrastructure becoming self-reliant, debt itself would be a thing of the past. Employers would enjoy huge benefits also, as happier workforces, with less competition for their jobs, taxes, and NI contributions to make, would go to work for all the right reasons, and not to make foreign owned companies richer due to our energy services being sold off.

It's all about common sense. Who needs giant, foreign owned businesses anyway? They offer nothing of long term value to us, and you, the business operator or professional, can even now surely see what is happening? If it is this bad now, then it will only get worse for you. Getting paid on time, by another business or professional, and employing people who are working to provide better lives with less debt and foreign competition, can only be for the long-term good... only foreign owned companies, and greedy large British owned businesses, will ever want foreign workers, and huge foreign inventors and bankers who profit from them. Be sensible, be wise, and start seeing the wood amongst the trees. The grass has not been greener on the other side has it? No, and the economy in Britain, will continue to slide towards a totalitarian, red tape burdened hell, with ever increasing tax burdens, stealth taxes, and less and less skilled people from which to draw upon. We ask you, the business person, and the professional, to finally halt the decline in our nation, and support, donate, and vote for the British National Party at the earliest opportunity. Anything other than this simple form of self-preservation, will see you swallowed up like a millions of little fish, by a very large, uncompromising, ruthless globalist whale.         

In Times Like These, Can We Do Without Money?

The answer is no, not completely, but there is more to it all than we realise. Pensions, education, benefits, and everything associated with the world, and this country in particular, as we know it, are essentially finished. And why? Internationalism and it's Permanent Revolution, which is what Trotsky proffered. With unrest, debt, and the dismantling of age-old natural ways of life, and Socio-Cultural self-sufficiency, comes a reliance upon central government. With central government, comes oppression, dictatorship, and the financial control so desired by greedy, race-hating alien ideologies, all utiliising bits of the various 20th century dictators' ideas and political agendas that never worked.

Thomas Pynchon, in ''Gravity's Rainbow'' said: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers. So, instead of asking how we are going to survive the coming shortage of, well... everything really, let's take a look at the shortage of money. In reality, it is not the shortage of money that's problematic, it's the way it has been taken from us, and devalued. An average house, bought for £2,507 in 1960, would only be worth £43,713 in today’s money. What does that tell us? Yes, the answer is ONE QUARTER of a modern house in average terms. Now let's go down the  scale a little. In humorous terms, our parents and grandparents used to say things like: 

When we were young, we could go out with Ten bob, (Fifty Pence) go to the pub for a couple of pints, see the latest film, have fish and chips on the way home, and still have change left over

If you are 14, this may sound very funny indeed. However, it is actually true, and in the current situation, it is far from funny. Not that long back, going out was not such a big thing, but as we see on the high streets, in the towns and cities, and even in some rural areas, the situation is so bad, pubs are closing down at an alarming rate each week. People cannot afford to go out regularly, and when they do, spend far less. Everything that led to people connecting, communicating, and generally being sociable and spending within their own community, is being completely dissolved. The economy is engineered to produce large profits for the few, debt induced spending patterns by the public, and having to make do and mend for the worse off.

Money is literally being stolen from us, and society will end up broken. Poverty will be the reward for our reliance on the traitors whom have spent their whole political lives, doing the bidding of the money lenders, who in turn, have become wealthier than any industrialist of the Victorian era, or indeed, any rich factory owner of the early 20th century. Money is now too expensive to own, and now, as this article asks, can we, in fact should we, literally do without it in it's basic form? Who again, could ever produce the things we could at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution?. Where can one ever again, regain the skills to bring back full employment? You know the answers don't you?

But wait a minute folks. There is a way back to freedom, ingenuity, and self-sufficiency on a limited scale... forget money. We all know that no housewife, partner, or business can actually get fully away from the fact of life, that we need money on a daily basis or certain transactions. But we do have the ability to take the sting out of the current reliance of it that, will end up in millions of people in serious poverty, compound debt, and all that this brings. It has been discussed before, but what if we Nationalists extended the idea of a sort of Harvest Festival on a regular basis? Instead of the usual, and no offence meant of course, basic prizes at monthly meetings, we could bring real British, in season foods and other consumables such as free range eggs, and milk to meetings.

I personally know people who are as we speak, in a position to do this, and the idea is being rolled out locally small scale initially. However, considering all of the above, and far worse to come many think, the idea should, and could be made into a real currency alternative to money concept. Not only food, but skills, education, and almost anything else could be used to JUMP OFF THE PAGES and be activated upon soon. I know many people who can access skills, but then, many people cannot access quality food, therefore, the two could be connected and create joined up thinking on a local scale, which when reported on, as you will see soon from my region, would enthuse others to do the same.

Money need not be a ball and chain, with minimal effort and funds, rental of land or even purchase of it, could provide Nationalists of every age, skill, or those who have retired, with access to either free, or extremely low cost food and other provisions. One of our activists this end can even provide logs, and this will be part of the getting back to nature philosophy that many already do, as log and wood burning systems are now an alternative that will grow and grow (excuse the pun). A report will be available as soon as the next meeting has been conducted. The alternative to worry, is relief, and with relief comes freedom, and once freedom has been regained, at least 80% of the need for hard cash in bad times, will then be relinquished. If we cannot make this simple, and to be honest, natural act of human kindness and Nationalistic community spirit work, then we may as well lock ourselves away behind closed doors, and wait for the knock on the door. If WE can make it work, and it worked for our modern and ancient ancestors, then we could be half way to surviving what will surely be, the ultimate test of the modern era... are we worth the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors?       

The Bank Of Ancient European People

Why are we simply waiting for the inevitable? The creation of a banking system that does not provide long term, userous and compound debt, is something we need to seriously address along side the basic political battles we now face. Britain covers almost 89,000 square miles, and with much of it in peril, there is not much time to save our natural resources, and little time left also, to build an eco-friendly Neo-Industrial Revolution, as most of our institutions, and former ground-breaking businesses, are in the hands of the ''Global Corporations'' and the international elites. The interest on a single years debt, today stands at £48 billion pounds.

Evey man, woman, and child in Britain, owes the invisible enemies of the western world £32,000 on average. It may surprise you that, the largest portion of this debt, is owed to INSURANCE companies and PENSION FUNDS.... 38.9% of the national debt. At 35.1%, the next biggest chunk of creditors, are so-called OVERSEAS INVESTORS... What are they investing in? How is it that we ''owe'' these investors a massive chunk of money, when the idea of investment was/is supposed to be mutually beneficial to both parties? Gordon Brown, when sitting in opposition, once called the rising social security and debt interest payments, the costs of failure. By his own terms, Britain is now failing on a scale never seen in the history of this nation.

Without going into spectacular in-depth investigations here, many are fully aware of whom we owe this money to, why, and how and why the national debt started so long ago. Britain's, and European's idiotic rulers and various monarchies, were insanely set on borrowing vast amounts to set brother against brother, and the money lenders were only too glad to have serviced this need. It is now so bad, we have to cut certain services, and extremely important ones at that, just to shave enough off to stop us completely going under. The impact will be deadly, and as many suspect, it will be the ordinary people who will suffer, especially as the Police and armed services will be severely undermanned and unable to protect the public. Benefits, many of which have been abused by mass immigration and laziness of a large portion of our own, will leave the genuine people in the same boat.

Now for the remedy, as bold and preposterous at it may seem. It is now time, to propose a revolutionary approach to all of the above, and this proposal involves, as one would expect, the backing of hundreds of thousands of Britons, and the institutionalising of the bank, through employing those who are thus inspired and skilled in this industry. We need to take control of our own finances, and that of our children before we end up as literal slaves, and in poverty not seen since the Victorian era. With much of our money now only useful for paying bills, debt, and not saving as we once could, every single penny should be saved, invested, and held in trust, by a bank that actually offers two main things seen below, as well as the obvious opportunity for Nationalist parties, individuals, and groups for low interest loans and cheaper management of savings and withdrawals.


1 - Genuine savings that are not used to play the markets or invest overseas etc.

2 - Funds held in trust, and released on demand, and a small interest payment given for longer periods.

With just this simple, two level infrastructure, there will be stability, and on demand money withdrawals, without the requirement for ridiculous options, form filling, and credit/debt related money changing that goes on, because no real money of worth, can be found without each bank having to borrow off the other, just to get people their own money in the amount they want, and when. The working title for this proposal, would be in line with other banks, such as the Bank of England, the Islamic Bank of Britain, The Bank of Israel, and others, who act primarily for a specific target client and customer base.

This option is also in line with Community Banks, whereby local people can access loans and put savings into them. The B.O.A.E.P. would be the most uncomplicated, and useful bank in modern times, and would enable loans to be given when enough funds are invested. Also, such a bank would ensure minimum fees were required. A £1000 savings/investment lodged in the bank, would require just 1% fee to handle and keep the money in trust. If a small business, or individual wished to borrow £1000, then a 5% interest payment over the lifetime of the agreed loan, would be required. Half that (2.5%) would be kept as interest payments for those who retain their savings within the bank. Obviously, the amount of £1000 saved, then taken from the bank in the form of a loan by another person, would not be viable, so the whole idea would only be possible if, and when savings are held for long periods of time, and by thousands as soon as possible.

This is where it would need to be fully contributed to, and people would have to understand that the main principle of it's being, is integrity, and this includes holding ALL moneys in trust. On the flip side, those savers would also have to agree to keep the bank viable from their own perspective, and this includes keeping as much money in the bank, for as long as possible. many of us will understand the dangers of what we have seen recently, so this idea would only work with that in mind. No vast amounts of borrowed money, or money lent to the bank, would be part of the equation, because borrowed money, high interest rates, and complicated money movements around the world, including bad investments and unstable pensions funds, are the exact reasons we have seen the economic and banking disaster in the first place. The B.O.A.E.P. proposal is as banking was supposed to have been, and uses money that BELONGS to the people investing or saving in the bank, thus nothing can be promised, until such funds were available from the people themselves.

The £1000 original investor, would not expect the bank to loan their money to another, as the bank would not be fulfilling it's criteria. The £1000 saved, would therefore not at an early stage, be used. Only when MOST people save money, and a SMALLER percentage borrow, would such a bank be able to provide a balanced and ethical solution, and opposition to the current disaster, and potential future crash many think will happen anyway. The B.O.A.E.P. would be a simple way to save their own money, and not have the worry of where their funds have gone. Borrowers would have to wait a little longer, but the same integrity and ethics would apply.

The principle is simplicity itself, but are we ready to actually put any of it into action? We can moan forever about the state of the economy, immigration, the health service, banks, and the economic system that destroys communities and future prospects, but that my friends, is pure politics. What this proposal offers, is an opportunity to put words aside, and take action to ensure and protect what belongs to us, our children, and those yet to be born into this mess. I await the responces and comments with anticipation, and wish to make it clear that, as with everything written here, and everything proposed, only your willpower and actions will institute this, and other proposals put forward. Also, it would require those to come forward with the industry skills, maybe the semi-retired, the recently redundant, or those whom have taken early retirement that was instigated by their hatred of the current and ugly system, and with the correct ethics and integrity added to ensure success.