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This Blog exists to unofficially support the British National Party in their fight to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands. Material published here are the personal views and opinions of the New West Wales Patriot Writers and should not be taken as official BNP policy. This is an INDEPENDENT site. It is NOT an official BNP site, neither is it controlled in any way by the BNP. Copyright: Some of the articles and images on this site may have been derived or collected from various sources and are published without prejudice. If this is the case there will always be a link to the site.

Friday, 17 September 2010

The Decline of The Welsh Dairy Herd Since Labour Came to Power.

The image below is self explanatory.
That graphic obtained via Datum Wales starkly shows that our dairy farmers are being exterminated at an alarming pace. The associated creameries that have been shut and the consequent loss of livelihoods is a national disgrace. Only this site through the British National Party will fight tooth and nail to preserve our farming heritage in Wales.

 If this trend increases at the same rate, just how are we going to feed ourselves, and what devastating effect is this having on our rural farming communities. This matter goes far beyond party politics, because not one of the major powers, including as a glaring example Plaid, are prepared to do anything about it. They are so embroiled in the Common Agricultural Policy, which does nothing for our farmers, that our very ability to survive as a vital viable industry has been compromised.  
Basically, all the main parties are up to their necks in the deceit and dishonesty that infects the EU. Our policy is the structured withdrawal from this disastrous social/economic experiment, and the return to a common sense economy based on British values of fair play and honest trading. 
In this area alone in 2010, over one hundred farms ceased dairy production, and in Carmarthenshire alone it was seventy three.
If you have any personal stories to tell please let us have them. If you wish, your anonymity will be scrupulously observed.

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