South Wales BNP kicked off the launch of their ‘Support our troops, bring our boys home’ campaign on Thursday evening with a well attended meeting deep in the heart of the South Wales Valleys.

The meeting, which was held at a venue in Garndiffiath, near Pontypool was hosted by Gwent BNP, and around 60 members from the area listened to speeches by three speakers and discussed plans for town centre activities in various parts of South Wales to be held over the next several weeks.
For those unfamiliar with local Welsh geography, Garndiffiath is just a few miles down the road from Aberflyarff, and it was here that the visiting guest speaker for the evening, James Whittall from West Midlands BNP chose to publicly propose to his fiancée, Christina following his speech.

And what a speech it was. James is a fine speaker who is always well received in Wales and the gathered audience listened enthralled to his account of the Battle of Shrewsbury in 1403 and the subsequent analogy with events today, leading on to the immoral and illegal war in Afghanistan.
The meeting was chaired by Wales Regional Organiser Brian Mahoney who, as he introduced the speakers, commented on recent news events of the previous week such as the Vatican’s Cardinal Kasper’s remarks that Britain is a third world country, Nicolas Sarkozy’s embarrassment in having to defend French policy in dealing with their problem of Roma gypsies and Thilo Sarazzin, the German Bundesbank board member who is now under attack for publishing a book critical of the Islamification of Germany.
It may well be that Imams are now employed as religious education teachers in comprehensive schools in the Midlands, but this is something which will not be acceptable in Wales.
Jennie Noble gave a very interesting talk on behalf of the Christian Council of Britain, outlining the need to defend Christian values in Britain in the face of relentless attacks on our Christian heritage.
She pointed out how many parents are uneasy about why schools insist that their children must be taken to visit mosques and learn about Islam as part of their religious education, whilst Christian-based school morning assemblies are now a thing of the past.
Local speaker, John Powell from Gwent BNP finished off with a very well researched talk based on nationalist ideology. On just his second debut in public speaking, he spoke with quiet, calm confidence on an intellectual level with a simplicity that anyone could grasp and understand the concepts put forward.
It was a very well received speech, and how good it is to see members of the younger generation seizing their opportunity to develop their skills in this way.
The enthusiasm amongst the activists was tangible, and Wales BNP is ready and raring to get stuck in to the new campaign.
* Oh, and if you were wondering, Christina did say ‘yes’. Wales BNP is now waiting for the wedding invitations.
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