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This Blog exists to unofficially support the British National Party in their fight to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands. Material published here are the personal views and opinions of the New West Wales Patriot Writers and should not be taken as official BNP policy. This is an INDEPENDENT site. It is NOT an official BNP site, neither is it controlled in any way by the BNP. Copyright: Some of the articles and images on this site may have been derived or collected from various sources and are published without prejudice. If this is the case there will always be a link to the site.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

The Coalition's Weapon Against The Indiginous Britons

If ever there was a way with which to enslave a people, it was and is, to give them opportunities galore for a few years, then vacuum them all up into negative equity, job losses, mass immigration, and years of debt induced zombism. According to ''The Economic Voice'', http://www.economicvoice.com/ there is it seems, a conspiracy to talk up the potential of some sort of ''economic recovery''. Here, they seem to have hit the nail on the head, and are very much in line with BNP warnings, when they say:

According to responses to a confidential survey of 100 estate agents carried out by The Economic Voice, house prices in the UK are crashing with the North East and Wales being hit the hardest.
It is absolutely impossible, for any observer, either professional or the ordinary man and woman in the street, not to see the politically, and socially engineered aspect of what they are pointing to, and the same article goes on to say this:

Negative equity is a divisive one, which tears families apart, and I take no joy in such an eventuality with such deep consequences.
Now that really is political, and very much in line with Nationalist sentiments, and arguments over the outrageous Capitalism and internationalism that has destroyed untold thousands of people's lives. Whether ''Thatcherism'' was to blame for massive home ownership and the obvious dangers or not, it was ultimately the ordinary working family that would suffer. Having said that of course, British Nationalists have long warned, and complained bitterly, about people not sticking together, and employing solidarity as they do in other countries.
There seems to be something missing from the British psyche, which allows such fragmented and selfishness to rule their lives. The so-called ''working classes'' have rolled over, and got on with watching stupid, and propaganda filled TV, and then after all the moaning and groaning about the rubbish on TV, the political system etc, voted with their bank statements and credit cards. We have only our selves to blame, and now we are seeing the very dangerous potential of a modern day Weimar Republic, whereby only the super-rich could afford everyday items.
Now then, we cannot argue against what has already happened, as it is pointless and unproductive. However, we can argue in ''the here and now'', and about future prospects, or rather lack of them. If it goes as some predict.. societal breakdown, and serious social unrest, then what options do we have? If we take to the streets in communities, or even as a national force of angry citizens, what do you think the state would do? If house proces crash to low, and people are force to live ten to a house, and job losses continue, and prisoners and criminals rule the streets, who will come out on top, without genuine leadership?
It won't be us, or even most of the criminals, the ones who will come out on top and crush all opposition, will be the EU Gendarme. And it will not be all ''water cannons and rubber bullets'' to warn any one off. The shocking truth that many will not be aware of, is that the EU has something that ALL Europhiles are aware of... The death penalty. Friends and Nationalists, as they repossess our homes, and as they force us into poverty and even bigger taxes, and as we get angy enough to protest, certain types of people amongst us will face the death penalty... the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks to our friends over at INFOWARS.COM, an extremely worrying part of the revised Lisbon Treaty was spotted, and we'll let them tell it as they so profoundly do:
On 20th Feb 2008, a caucus meeting was held at the German Parliament in Munich to discuss the Lisbon Treaty. At this meeting a previously unmentioned paragraph was bought to light by Professor Schachtschneider, Humanities Faculty, University of Nuremberg. Professor Schachtschneider, explained that the undisclosed paragraph means on ratification of the Lisbon Treaty the DEATH PENALTY will be reintroduced to Europe.
The Death Penalty will be applicable for the crimes of RIOTING, CIVIL UPHEAVAL and DURING WAR. (When are we not at war and who will define riot and upheaval?) Professor Schachtschneider made the point that this clause is particularly outrageous as it had been cleverly hidden in a footnote of a footnote and would not have been detected by anyone other than an exceptional expert reader.
Not only does that mean Cameron, Clegg, and the other buffoons we have elected since the late 1940's were signing away our rights, destroying communities, importing murderers and rapists onto our shores, taking our inheritances away by stealth, and ruining our honest traditional ways of earning a living, but our lives could be snuffed out in a second... because we get angry over it and take to the streets. Home repossession and marriage anullment is now the norm, and that is bad enough thank you very much you traitors. However, now we all know what we are in for, it is high time we put asside factionalism, and ignore smaller and childish obstacles that may keep us from ''Taking Care of Business'', and finally come together to oppose the might of the eltist Communist/Fascist apparatus.
We are not beaten, even by knowledge of the above shock, nor are we to get too disturbed by loosing brick and mortar, but we will be beaten if we do not stick to the proposals outlined in our political home, the British National Party. Some may argue we are not going to win politically, but it is a certainty we will not win by unthinking street action. The ballot box has protected us so far, as now we are so intensly spied upon, so technically tied to our machines that, we are constantly logged, tagged, and tracked. No one taking to the streets today, next week, or in three years time, will ever be able to produce the intended activity. We must now prepare for the biggest political rally ever, and ensure we can help whenever we can, and where ever we are needed. 
Over the coming weeks, there will be, even in these economically hard times, a requirement to help our brothers and sisters in South Wales. We must push for victory at all costs, and try to put personal problems behind us, (financially and otherwise) and rally around to make leafleting trips economically viable by pooling resources. We cannot continue to think our own communities are the be all and end all. It is this island, our ancestors, traditions, and our children's socio-cultural and ethnic future that is in the balance. Taking to the streets as in times gone by, are not options available to the modern revolutionary activist, because we all know what will happen. Why do you think they are trying to produce alternate voting systems? Why do you think they are using smears and threatened jail terms for our leaders? They know people power is still an option through the ballot box, that's why, especially as the EU project is failing and Marxist ideology has proved worthless. 
The Coalition is nothing more than a plaster on a bulging, festering sore. The men in white coats want to keep putting snake oil on it, and then plastering over it, keeping it calm and painless for a while. The political surgeons are approaching fast behind them, and we have a needle which will offer a real solution... we will kill the festering sore and all it's germs once and for all. It won't be easy, and it won't be over night, but it is now obvious that it is going to have to be professionally administered. Only we in the BNP can do this, and only by allowing the people to sadly go through hardships and loss of all they own, will we be able to prove our worthiness as a ''new political class'', able to start from scratch, and provide solutions so obvious that, they will turn against the elites by the million.
The current coalition is a collection of wealthy, treacherous parasites, who have had every opportunity to solve our problems from the day they were installed. They have reneged on every promise, and have turned their backs upon the whole country by surrendering to the EU, and not negotiating immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan. They have taken our possessions, homes, and jobs, and extended the imposition of tax payers money to others, such as immigrants, and foreign nations in the form of aid. All these are weapons against the indigenous peoples of the British Isles, and we WILL take our nation back, and show them we are intellectually adequate in fighting them on their chess board. If they make millions homeless, and even more jobless, it will serve as a lesson never to be forgotten.. and the British National Party will have the best Harvest ever. It is ours for the taking, but only if we come together and take what is ours once more.          

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