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This Blog exists to unofficially support the British National Party in their fight to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands. Material published here are the personal views and opinions of the New West Wales Patriot Writers and should not be taken as official BNP policy. This is an INDEPENDENT site. It is NOT an official BNP site, neither is it controlled in any way by the BNP. Copyright: Some of the articles and images on this site may have been derived or collected from various sources and are published without prejudice. If this is the case there will always be a link to the site.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Liberals Versus Marxists... The Ultimate Final Battle

When Stalin got into the Kremlin, he almost immediately attacked the intellectuals, inventors, and those he considered ''too Liberal'' and therefore far to dangerous to him. When the Marxists finally get their way, Liberals will be either disposed of, or murdered along with ordinary, but dissenting individuals. If you think this is reactionary or headline hunting, then remember the articles recently whereby we saw that the EU (Neo-Communist Bloc) has actually got a modern day ''Death Penalty'' in a well hidden part of the new draft treaty. Here are some examples of Stalin's actions, and DEATH orders, upheld with immediate effect at particular times and for differing reasons:

 Red Army generals 
 The Director of the Lenin Library
 A pair of vice-commissars of foreign affairs
 Two successive bosses of the NKVD (Secret Police) 
 Almost all of the ambassadors in the Soviet diplomatic corps
 Numerous members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
 A man who took down his portrait of Stalin, whilst redecorating his wall.
 Prime ministers, and chief officials of all the non-Russian Soviet republics
 The very man who had led the charge against the Winter Palace in 1917
 Nearly every one of the military judges who had sat in judgment and had condemned
 A 70 year old schoolteacher, who happened to own a book which included a ''picture of Trotsky''.
 An unfortunate 85 year old woman, who made the sign of the Cross when a funeral passed by her

''And a partridge in a pear tree''... oops... that's me for the hanging tree for that bit of humour folks. One should not laugh I suppose, because as we head towards the oft quoted, but little understood ''Post Democratic Era'', we may become victims in one form or another. Whom the gods want to destroy, they first make insane, or so the saying goes. But with Liberals, it seems they are easily charmed by the madmen and women of the extreme left. They make good bedfellows, although in reality, they are in for a rough ride aren't they, those silly Guardian reading, BBC Radio 4 types? Gulags and poverty are on their way.

Once the 2011/12 cuts, resulting crime, and rising utility and fuel costs, have finally spewed out upon their little world, the stark reality of middle class and professionals, so long wearing Liberal garb politically speaking, the state of the nation, and who really controls the levers, will leave many Liberals thinking they backed the wrong horse at Ascot. Talking of horses and runners, any Liberal who voted Labour last time around or since Tony Blair was chosen by the elites to run the country down, will be pleased to know that their hard earned taxes, are being put to good, typical Marxist use... and smilingly supported thus.

Harriet Harman, the deputy Prime Minister (Harm Man), has praised ‘heroic’ immigrants who claim welfare payments in Britain, and use the cash to support their relatives living abroad. She said: ''The Government should make it easier for them to send the money home, and called for tax refunds to encourage more immigrants to follow suit''. In particular, those who paid for their children to be educated in the Third World. Now that's international Marxism you you and I, but an unsuspecting Liberal will be warmed to the heart, to think their money is being used to support good causes. The word ''heroic'' used by Harman, seems a disgrace when the term should only be used for our troops in her coalition government's illegal war, and police officers shot or stabbed in the line of duty in our ''Liberal Democracy''.

Obviously, in the economic conditions that sees tens of thousands of people out of work, whole industries trashed, and people in this country dying through cold and hunger, rising crime, and students debt ridden for decades... it's actually Communism. So, where do the Liberals think they are going? They support everything that Nationalists and patriotic people deplore, and are hand in hand with a system that will eventually enslave them and their children. In the final battle between good and evil, nature and social construct, the Liberal family will be destroyed. And only the British National Party stands in the way of all this. In many respects, the British National Party should be able to smoothly take over where Marxists and Liberals have left off.

We do not have a policy that kills or harms children, the Socialist/Capitalist do (war mongering and lowering of moral standards). The British National Party does not have a policy that enables immigrants to prosper at their (Liberals) expence, this coalition does (millions will not be deported, and Turkey will be allowed to send people here). And to top it all off nicely, we do not have policies that would Islamify our nation, and allow Shariah law. But guess what Liberals? The coalition does. So, whilst any Liberal, or that matter, Marxist, may ponder on what is written herein, we have one thing in common, yes, all of us. We will see a time of hardship, poverty, crime, debt, and international conflict that will engulf us all. Only the Nationalism can save YOU Liberals, and if that does not happen, please try to smile as the Marxists do what they always do... kill you, your families, and anyone who disagrees with their word view. Sleep tight. 
BC 1959

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